So, I asked for some help – and YOU came through!!! I wanted to get more than 100 subscribers on my (nearly empty) YouTube channel. I wanted to secure theContinue readingCustom name on the YouTube Channel – THANK YOU!!
New Videos and New Subscribers!
Well, I haven’t really made and entry and a very long time. As you might have guessed, I am going to blame it on the remodel of my MoJo BasementContinue readingNew Videos and New Subscribers!
I guess I’ll try out a GoPro??
I’ve tried to go the ‘inexpensive’ route on video cameras – I mean really inexpensive – just to see if I could capture what it was I wanted to capture.Continue readingI guess I’ll try out a GoPro??
New Attack drumheads at Lost Studios
It’s been a bit… Long time no update from the singing drummer site. Truth is, it’s not due to being lazy. I’ve been busy, but not on this site 🙁Continue readingNew Attack drumheads at Lost Studios
New drumhead review – ProFlex 1 – Rev Dot from ATTACK drumheads!!!
So, an old gentleman once told me “Boy, you can make excuses… Or you can make videos”. Oh wait – that was me talking to myself! So, yep, weContinue readingNew drumhead review – ProFlex 1 – Rev Dot from ATTACK drumheads!!!
New Heads for The Singing Drummer – well, snare heads anyway!!
Well, Cardinal Percussion came through again with some great Attack Drumheads for me to try out on the new Black Boss snare drum down in the dungeon. This will beContinue readingNew Heads for The Singing Drummer – well, snare heads anyway!!
This is how I Attack!! How do you??? New order of Attack Drumheads
Just got notification that my first order through my endorsement was ready to pick up!! All new Attack heads for the Red Python kit via Cardinal Percussion and picked upContinue readingThis is how I Attack!! How do you??? New order of Attack Drumheads
Easy, like a Sunday mornin'…
Ahh, new heads, and monster rehab…aythe Madwagon shop for early morning practice… It’s easy… Easy like Sunday morning 😉
Another kick? Sure – why not…. And then some…
But mounted as a rack tom???? More to follow! And follow we will!!! Wanna take a ride on the MadWagon?? Come see the new configuration at Billy Blues this Friday!!Continue readingAnother kick? Sure – why not…. And then some…
Looking for some fun on 9/15??
Come on our to Billy’s and get on the Madwagon!! … Continue readingLooking for some fun on 9/15??