Custom name on the YouTube Channel – THANK YOU!!

So, I asked for some help – and YOU came through!!!

I wanted to get more than 100 subscribers on my (nearly empty) YouTube channel.  I wanted to secure the name The Singing Drummer (, but I needed 100 subscribers to get it done.

I asked – and you did!!!

About the same time, I had just finished doing a quick edit on some footage from one of Madwagon‘s last shows up in Everett.  I decided to put those up on the channel, just for giggles.  And actually – they have been getting a pretty good response, better than what I had thought.  That got me thinking.

Would folks like to see more live footage?  Any different views?  I am “The Singing Drummer”.  Maybe folks would like to see me actually do that??

Tell me what you think?  I am still a few months out from having my studio space completed (if it is only a few months I will be ecstatic!!), so if I am going to get any videos up, I am going to have to get creative.

Let me know what you think.  Would you like a straight on shot?  Over the top/birds eye?  You tell me and I will see if I can get that captured at our next show.

Stick Spin in Everett
A spin during Bad Blood

Thanks again for your support – go to and check out the videos for yourself!

Oh, and if you haven’t – go ahead and subscribe  😉   Thank you!!!