New Videos and New Subscribers!

Well, I haven’t really made and entry and a very long time.  As you might have guessed, I am going to blame it on the remodel of my MoJo Basement studios… (or is that MoMo, now that I am married…?)

It has been busy.  And I don’t even want to share pictures because I am just a bit embarrassed that it has taken so long and maybe a little bit that I don’t need any armchair quarterbacks telling me how “it should have been done”.  But we are making progress – slowly.  I am hoping that by late spring or early summer, I will actually have a place to bring the mighty Python kit back to the house and actually start making videos again.

In anticipation of that, I have started asking folks to subscribe to my YouTube channel.  -Did you know, that you need 100 subscribers before YouTube will allow you to make a custom name for your channel?  Oh yeah, you can have your name on it, or display the name on the front page, but the link will always be followed by a long string of gobbledy-goop that no one will take the time to type in….  So, I hope to change that – BEFORE I get back into my studio and start making videos.

But, its not like I’m not doing anything.  Last weekend, me and the Madwagon crew (Rodney, Angelo, Stephen, and Chris) made a little road trip.  Near 500 miles and two gigs in two days later, we did shows with three other bands in two states.  Fun nights.  Made a lot of friends.  If you ever get a chance to check out The Adarna and Custom – I’m thinking Madwagon will be charting some dates with them both soon!  And Ghosts of the Pacific were a cool band as well.  They rocked Tony V’s!

And speaking of Tony V’s, I set up the GoPro and let it roll.  YouTube won’t take the whole video, so I broke it up.  Hopefully there aren’t too many overlaps, or too may explicits from the mic  ;-(   But I hope you take a minute and watch Madwagon do what they do – ROCK.  Not bad for a bunch of old dudes 😉

That’s all for now.  If you would like – please, please, please, subscribe to my YouTube channel and help me give it a custom name so folks can find me easier.



The Singing Drummer at Dante's with Madwagon
Just belting out some tunes with Madwagon!!