Well, I got lights…still working on the camera…so no action :-(

Who knew that lighting a person, behind a moderately large kit, in a low ceiling basement would be so difficult. But I’m working on it.
I’ve taken a couple sample videos and testing how the audio and video will get synced up.  I think I will need to take a friend’s advice and pony up for a decent camera.  Yep, looking at the results so far, not something I’d like to share.
But, hang in there.  I’ll get it going…
Getting a bit busier on other items too.  I will be getting married to an incredibly patient, and smoking hot woman later this month.  I’lI have a Jack Foolery gig this week. Vocals on the new Madwagon CD will be getting done and opening for Anvil in May here in Portland.  Oh, and Monkey Bizness will have a couple gigs in May.
It may take a bit, but I’ll get some singing drummer videos posted 🙂
Hope to see you out there supporting the live music scene soon!!